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I pulled 2 engine codes and 2 abs codes Engine codes P1400 - aftermarket calibration detected / warranty void U0418- implausible data received from brake system controller module 1 Abs codes U140E-00 - implausible vehicle configuration data received C0078-86 - tire diameter-signal invalid.
Check and save the changes again, and then clear the codes. #3 Based on the wording of the codes, I would suspect they were a result of using Jscan to update the tire settings. 2020 Jeep Gladiator Overland - 2013 Nissan Leaf SV Vehicle Showcase 1.
U140E-00 implausible vehicle configuration data received Active - anti lock brakes.
Long story short whenever the Calid of the PCM is changed, the PCM's configuration must be set as well. The code disables cruise control and won't allow you to interact with the traction control system via the car or the diablo. This code illuminates the abs and traction control light.
U140E = implausible vehicle data received.
Please do not modify this file.All+ 5 - Combat Moves.espFast Travel, w Wells.espNo psychic guards v1.2. Ridiculously Faster Spells.espSpell Delete And Item Remove.espUnlimited Amulets 1.0.espUnlimited Rings 1.0.espUnofficial Oblivion Patch. # This file is used to tell Oblivion which data files to load.# Use the "data files" option in the Oblivion launcher to choose which files# you want. The only problem I have atm is that the "WTF im a missing a mesh" thingy is still there in imperial city so I guess I have to remove it through console commands or something. I just reinstalled the mod and it worked Perhaps I installed it wrong the first time or something but I just did the same prodecure again. I had exactly the same problem when I installed deadly reflex and after chopping of a head of an target that big pic came up. Something got wrong when you installed the mod.